Category: Uncategorized

  • Scatterbrain

    What’s so wrong about being a scatterbrain? I woke up this morning with a word buzzing in my brain. That is not unusual, but still. This word was exactly the one the title indicates. Scatterbrain. I have had a few days off. This hasn’t been a particularly busy semester for me, so I have had…

  • The extravert and the quiet

    An extravert myself, I have always questioned the popular description of an introvert: Someone who energizes from alone-time and deep reflection, as opposed to the ever-energetic, outgoing extravert.  How wonderful, then, to find Elaine Aron giving space to guest blogger and fellow researcher Jacquelyn Strickland. In Introversion, Extroversion and the Highly Sensitive Person, she explains my very…

  • You won the lottery!

    You won the lottery!

    Fancy winning first prize in the national lottery. One million pounds or dollars or euros or whatever currency you choose. So much money that you have no idea what to do with it. Not only that. Fancy winning it in coins. Coins falling down from the sky, landing on your head, in your eyes, in…

  • Science vs spirituality

    Science vs spirituality

    I saw this discussion in an hsp group, and felt like sharing my thoughts here, as it clearly is important to many highly sensitive people. These are my thoughts on science vs sprirtuality. What are yours? Science is only part of the truth – it is what has been researched. As time goes by, we…

  • Kirsten’ story

    Kirsten’ story

    Today I would like to share the story of Kirsten, who for 20 years was in and out of hospital for various mental diseases and disorders. I want to share it, because she isn’t in that situation any more. I want to share it, because it took so little for her to get well. She just…

  • FIGHT, FLIGHT OR FREEZE – how to handle childen’s stress

    FIGHT, FLIGHT OR FREEZE – how to handle childen’s stress

    Experiencing acute stress gives a reaction that will vary from person to person. However, researchers have narrowed the reactions down to three, four or five. We’ll look into these, because: Highly sensitive persons tend to become acutely stressed more easily than the rest. It’s a part of being highly sensitive; you are alert and try…

  • An extra intelligence

    An extra intelligence

    I found myself in a situation where I had to explain the essence of being highly sensitive,  without turning it into a challenge in itself. Being human is a challenge. Being highly sensitive tends to be accompanied by certain challenges, especially in dealing with people who do not understand. You probably know what I mean.…

  • Setting limits

    Setting limits

    A highly sensitive person can be almost limitless, saying “yes” to virtually everything, as he or she is a perfectionist, meticulous and conscientious. Afraid of making mistakes or of not being good enough, of not pleasing everyone. To others, these these properties may seem enchanting,  – until the sensitive person himself or herself is worn…

  • What is HSP?

    What is HSP?

    HSP is short for Highly Sensitive Person. Elaine Aron, Ph.D., concluded  in 1997 an extensive study that led to the conclusionthat high-sensitivity is a personality trait in 15 -20% of the population. Being highly sensitive means being very sensitive, very receptive to impressions, dutyful, perfectionist. This means that we process larger amounts of information than…

  • Why this blog?

    Why this blog?

    Why this blog? Oh, and why me? I discovered HSP when counselling a young girl who clearly lacked self-confidence for all the wrong reasons. I searched for information and found not only her, but also myself. And since then I have discovered a world of people who think there is something wrong with them just…

  • Protect yourself

    Protect yourself

    Many highly sensitive people tell me that they are always told not to be so sensitive. This constant reminder makes them thin they have to do something about it. Well, you CAN do something, but you can’t mot be sensitive. So you have to protect yourself. Other sensitivities are more acceptable out there. Like skin…